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Channels Jin Yin Hua influences Lung, Heart, Stomach. Swelling (inflammation) of small air passages in the lung (bronchiolitis). Chang CW, Lin MT, Lee SS, et al. For example, it is used singly in Shan Tang Jing Yan Fang to treat all kinds of swelling and toxicity no matter whether the pus is formed and discharged or not, its decoction is taken orally while the gruffs is applied topically. This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. To control the essence; 2. of water. Warm diseases and external contraction of wind-heat. Anti-inflammatory effect of Lonicera japonica in proteinase-activated receptor 2-mediated paw edema. For initial warm disease marked by pathogen staying in defense system, it can disperse wind-heat so as to exteriorly expel pathogens out from lung and defense system. Peng LY, Mei SX, Jiang B, et al. Pungent, slightly bitter, cold; lung, heart, stomach and large intestine meridians entered. zusammen mit Jin Yin Hua (Lonicerae flos); bei eiternden Geschwüren und Furunkeln zusammen mit Zi Hua Di Ding (Violae herba), Pu Gong Ying (Taraxaci herba cum radix) zur Linderung der typischen Symptome der Wind-Hitze bei Schnupfen und Grippe zusammen mit Sang Ye (Mori folium), Bo He (Menthae herba), Jie Geng (Platycodi radix), Lian Qiao (Forsythiae fructus) und weiteren Kräutern im … You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. It can also be used in checking diarrhea and dysentery due to heat-toxicity. Copyright © 2011 - 2020 TCMWIKI.COM All rights reserved. View abstract. Kwak WJ, Han CK, Chang HW, et al. Using Jin Yin Hua . A herbal record lists the following adverse effects of Ku shen: salivation, abnormal gait, dyspnea, tachycardia [ 85 ]. Surgery : Honeysuckle might slow blood clotting, so there is concern that it might increase the risk of extra bleeding during and after surgery. The Effect of Jin Yin Hua Property. Jin Yin Hua Where to Buy. Scutellariae : Huang Qin + Rx. Jin Yin Hua product is available only from licensed healthcare professionals. Vitamins and Supplements to Avoid with Hepatitis C. Quiz: What Do You Know About Vitamin B12 Deficiency? Stay on the safe side and avoid use. View abstract. Ursolic acid is able to suppress both the p38 MAPK and NF-kB pathways (Ma et al., 2014). It can help regulate the hormones that effect skin secretions, as well reduce inflammation, and bacteria, according to Alban Acupuncture. A small proportion of people taking it may cause systemic itching, red rash, and contact dermatitis. INGREDIENTS: (3 to 4 servings) Japanese honeysuckle (jin yin hua) 金銀花 - 15gm, Chrysanthemum flower (ju hua) 菊花 - 30gm, Theory Home; Yin & Yang; Origins & History of TCM; Shen (Spirit) in Chinese Medicine; 6 Extraordinary Organs; The Vital Substances. CHM did not increase the endometrial thickness, a common side effect of hormone therapy. Learn more about Honeysuckle uses, benefits, side effects, interactions, safety concerns, and effectiveness. For indications such as: – 1. At the initial blossoming stage, complete flower, white-yellowish in color and big in shape. It can cause nausea, stomach cramps, fatigue, and sleeplessness. Action. Differential inhibition of reverse transcriptase and cellular DNA polymerase-alpha activities by lignans isolated from Chinese herbs, Phyllanthus myrtifolius Moon, and tannins from Lonicera japonica Thunb and Castanopsis hystrix. THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS: Clear heat and toxic material, expel dampness, ease swelling and inflammation, eliminate phlegm and disperse stagnation, benefit lungs, liver, spleen and stomach. The appropriate dose of honeysuckle depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. The raw product is good at dispersing wind-heat and clearing interior heat; Jin Yin Hua Lu is often used to treat polydipsia due to summer-heat, 60~120ml for each time which is equal t0 3. Honeysuckle is a plant that is sometimes called “woodbine. Information from this source is evidence-based and objective, and without commercial influence. Lonicerae Flos; Japanische Geissblattblüten; Shuang Hua; TCM Temperatur. View abstract. The aroma of the drink is just like flora. The quest for a herbal contraceptive. Forsythiae Lian Qiao are cooling and relieve toxicity and both guide Heat to the surface while cooling Internally. To astringe the intestines and stop diarrhea; 3. Tae J, Han SW, Yoo JY, et al. Jin Yin Hua Properties: Sweet, Cool. Ju Hua has almost no side effects and can be drunk for a long time. Pungent, slightly bitter, cold; lung, heart, stomach and large intestine meridians entered. Inhibition of platelet activation and endothelial cell injury by polyphenolic compounds isolated from Lonicera japonica Thunb. Loniceroside C, an antiinflammatory saponin from Lonicera japonica. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. What factors influenced or will influence your purchase? Fu Fang Lei Gong Teng Jian Ji ~ To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To tonify the kidney and revitalize blood Fu Fang Qian Zheng Gao ~ Compound Qianzheng Plaster: To promote blood circulation, strengthen the muscles and tendon, regulate the function between qi and … The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. Barbe de Chèvre, Broquebique, Caulis Lonicerae Japonica, Chèvrefeuille, Chèvrefeuille des Bois, Chèvrefeuille des Haies, Chèvrefeuille du Japon, Cranquillier, Fleur de Miel, Flos Lonicerae, Goat's Leaf, Herbe de Chèvre, Herbe à la Pentecôte, Herbe de Pentecôte, Herbe à la Vierge, Honey Suckle, Honeysuckle Flower, Japanese Honeysuckle, Jin Yin Hua, Jinyinhua, Lonicera, Lonicera aureoreticulata, Lonicera bournei, Lonicera caprifolia, Lonicera japonica, Lonicerae Japonicae, Madreselva, Nindo, Périclymène, Ren Dong, Saute-Buisson, Suikazura, Woodbine. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. or + Flos Lonicerae : Jin Yin Hua + Cx. 5~7g of raw Jin Yin Hua. Honeysuckle might slow blood clotting. Kong XT, Fang HT, Jiang GQ, et al. Take while warm. Honeysuckle contact dermatitis. About 56% of these are herbal extract. Wolf berries and rock sugar are added to it. Xiang T, Tezuka Y, Wu LJ, et al. View abstract. Warm diseases and external contraction of wind-heat All over in China, mainly in Henan and Shandong provinces, etc. For heat entering nutrient and blood systems manifested as high fever, coma, macular eruption, hematemesis and epistaxis, it is often combined with erbs specialized in clearing heat and cooling blood, such as Sheng Di Huang and Xuan Shen in Shen Xi Dan from Wen Re Jing Wei (Compendium on Epidemic Febrile Diseases) and Qing Ying Tang from Wen Bing Tiao Bian. In addition, the Jin Yin Hua Lu made by means of distillation can dispel summer-heat, and is mainly indicated for polydipsia due to summer-heat; it can also be used with He Ye, Xi Gua Cui Yi and Bian Dou Hua, as in Qing Luo Yin from Wen Re Jing Wei. offers 25 jin yin hua extract products. Action. At the top o… Side Effects & Safety Cherokee rosehip appears to be safe for most people when taken at recommended doses. Clear heat and remove toxicity, disperse wind-heat, clear summer-heat. • With Lian qiao to strongly and effectively clear heat and resolve toxins. Jin Yin Hua Side Effects . For sores and abscess marked by red swelling and burning pain, it works when being used singly for oral or topical administration. Jin Yin Hua has been used clinically for many years, with few side effects. Jin Yin Hua (Flos Lonicerae)——Xin Xiu Ben Cao (Newly Revised Materia Medica). Currently, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, formerly known as 2019-nCoV, the causative pathogen of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)) has rapidly spread across China and around the world, causing an outbreak of acute infectious pneumonia. Reference Maciocia, Giovanni. © 2005 - 2019 WebMD LLC. A wide variety of jin yin hua extract powder options are available to you, such as part, packaging, and form. jin yin hua 10 g, tian hua fen 10 g, sheng huang qi 6 g, chuan shan jia 6 g, dang gui 6 g, jie geng 6 g, zao jia ci 6 g, bai zhi 4 g. Add water 600 c.c. Overdose or long-term use of it may cause decreased appetite. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for honeysuckle. or Lonicera dasystyla Rehd. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions. Precautions of Ju Hua This survey is being conducted by the WebMD marketing sciences department. Treatment of acute bronchiolitis with Chinese herbs. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 1992;45:307-12. Additionally, it can clear heat and epidemic toxicity, Therefore, it is commonly used in clinic and often combined with wind-heat-dispersing herbs, such as Jing Jie, Bo He and Niu Bang Zi, as in Yin Qiao San from Wen Bing Tiao Bian which is also commonly indicated for exterior syndrome of external contraction of wind-heat. Where did you or where do you plan to purchase this product? Add yellow rice wine 100 c.c. Did you or will you purchase this product in-store or online? 3. Disperses wind-heat. Inhibitory effect of luteolin on TNF-alpha-induced IL-8 production in human colon epithelial cells. CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The flower buds or the flower of initial blooming of Lonicera japonica Thund. The Chinese herb 'Tian Hua Fen' (Trichosanthes Root) is Bitter, Slightly Sweet, Cold, goes to the LU, ST, and is in 'Herbs that Cool and Transform Phlegm-Heat'. Theory . Side effects and adverse events were generally mild and infrequent. Phytochemistry 2000;54:795-9. Int Immunopharmacol 2005;5:209-17. Clears heat and resolves toxicity. High doses can be used without side effects. Pixabay. DY: For severe heat-toxicity, dysentery, or pyogenic skin infections, use 30-60g per day. How Long Does Coronavirus Live On Surfaces? Saponins from Lonicera bournei. kalt. For dysentery due to heat-toxin, it can be decocted singly and raken frequently, as in Ren Dong San from Hui Zhi Tang Jing Yan Fang (Experiential Prescriptions from Hui Zhi Clinic).and can also be combined with herbs such as Huang Lian and Bai Tou Weng which excel in clearing heat and drying dampness, and removing toxicity and checking dysentery so as to reinforce its effects. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 2003;51:333-5. For mammary abscess with swelling pain, it is often combined with toxicity-removing and ab-scess-curing herbs,and blood-activating and nodulation-dissipating herbs which mainly enter lung and stomach meridians, such as Pu Gong Ying and Gua Lou in Xiao Ru Tang from Yi Xue Zhong Zhong Can Xi Lu. Colds and influenza due to wind-heat. View abstract. Chang WC, Hsu FL. • Not for yin-type ulcers or for sores due to Qi deficiency. And Qing luo yin, a Chinese herbal remedy for rheumatoid arthritis, is a combination of extracts of Dioscorea hypoglauca, Phellodendron amurense, Sinomenium acutum, and S. flavescens. Jin Yin Hua + Cx. The temperature is kept at 90 to 95 degree Celsius. It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-pyretic effects. Kim JA, Kim DK, Kang OH, et al. The western medical community, despite the abundance of scientific evidence, minimizes or ignores the health consequences of Candida. Only ten severe adverse events were reported, two with possible association with the therapy. View abstract. See label for side effects. The fungus excretes an irritating aldehyde that damages intestinal epithelium and allows “leaky gut” – the absorption of toxins, undigested foods and viruses. Jin Yin Hua ( Lonicerae flos) ist kühl und trocken zu lagern. Jin Yin Hua is a traditional Chinese herb to release toxins, remove heat and release poisons. Lonicera hypoglauca Miq.,Lonicera confusa DC. (3) for lessening pimples jin yin hua 30 g, gan cao 5 g. Boil with 2000 c.c. None of the studies investigated long-term side effects. No serious side effects were observed with external use. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on WebMD. View abstract. Dried in shade after collection, unprocessed or made into distillate for use. antibakteriell, antiviral, blutdrucksenkend, erleichternd bei Krämpfen des Magen-Darm-Trakts und der Atemwege. Antiviral Res 1995;27:367-74. Decoct 15~30g. Clin Chim Acta 2003;330:165-71. 作用 清热解毒,凉散风热 For warm diseases in the stage of heat entering qi system or deeply entering nutrient and blood systems, it has the actions of clearing heat and removing toxicity, and combined actions of clearing heat, purging fire and cooling blood as well. Because it excels in clearing heat and relieving epidemic toxicity, it is indicated for any stage of warm diseases. Jin Yin Hua is sweet, cold. In a few rare cases, a slight burning sensation was reported when Yin-Care was massaged into the skin too vigorously. Jin Yin Hua. Because of the actions of clearing heat and removing toxicity, it can also take effects of curing abscess, relieving sore throat and checking dysentery. Diese … Cutis 1993;51:424. Medications that slow blood clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) interacts with HONEYSUCKLE. Taking honeysuckle along with medications that also slow clotting might increase the chances of bruising and bleeding.Some medications that slow blood clotting include aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others), dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, warfarin (Coumadin), and others. For excess heat of qi system characterized by high fever, polydipsia, and full and large pulse, it is combined with herbs good at clearing heat and purging fire, for example, Shi Gao and Zhi Mu as in Yin Qiao Bai Hu Tang. A small proportion of people touching it may cause allergic reactions. Mandarin (/ ˈ m æ n d ər ɪ n / (); simplified Chinese: 官话; traditional Chinese: 官話; pinyin: Guānhuà; lit. Lycii : Di Gu Pi: or. This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Proper dosage is for topical administration. No specific anti-virus drugs or vaccines are available for the treatment of this sudden and lethal disease. Simmer to 200 c.c. Uncontrolled Blood Sugar: How Dangerous Is It? Disperses wind-heat. (Cai et al., 2019), with kaempferol and rutin also detected in Lian–Qiao and Qi–Ju–Di–Huang–Wan. Clear heat and remove toxicity, disperse wind-heat, clear summer-heat. Collected before it blossoms in earlier summer. A wide variety of jin yin hua extract options are available to you, such as bottle, drum, and glass container. View abstract. Jin Yin Hua: Flos Lonicerae: Honeysuckle Flower: 金银花 : To remove toxic heat and dispel wind-heat. , as in Qing Chang Yin from Bian Zheng Lu (Records of Syndrome Differentiation). It is often combined with toxicity-removing and sore throat-alleviating herbs such as She Gan and Ma Bo when treating the former condition, as in Yin Qiao Ma Bo San from Wen Bing Tiao Bian; while it is often combined with wind-heat-dispersing herbs and sore-throat-alleviating herbs such as Bo He and Niu Bang Zi when treating the latter condition. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using. offers 31 jin yin hua extract powder products. , L. hypoglaucA Miq., L. confusa DC., or L. dasystyla Rehd. Print. Natural compounds including kaempferol, ursolic acid, and rutin have been detected in Jin–Yin–Hua (Flos Lonicerae; Lonicera japonica Thunb.) Glycyrrhizae : Gan Cao: For sinusitis due to Excess Stomach Heat: For sinusitis due to Excess Stomach Heat with sticky yellow mucus: + Clear Stomach Heat Powder Qing Wei San + Clear Stomach Heat Powder Qing Wei San. TCM Wirkungen 1 Wind-Hitze eliminieren. 作用 清热解毒,凉散风热 All rights reserved. Action. Mori : Sang Bai Pi + Centipeda Minima : E Bu Shi Cao + Rx. Actually chrysanthemum tea is made from chrysanthemum flowers. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Text.Seattle, WA: Eastland Press, Inc. 2009. Chaudhury RR. Buy Jin Yin Hua Online here at or our clinic. To make chrysanthemum tea, in either a pot or a tea cup, water is boiled and chrysanthemum flowers are put into the pot. The color … Natl Med J India 1993;6:199-201. Enzymes For Fibrin Control Psoriasis and Natural Remedies Overdose or long-term use of it may cause decreased appetite. Indications: Fluid damage and exhaustion due to radiotherapy with liver and kidney yin deficiency characterised by parched throat, vexation thirst, emaciation, low grade fever in the afternoon, lumbar and back ache, insomnia, scant and dark urination, dry bowel movement, five heart heat and irritability. Jin Ying Gen: Radix Rosae Laevigatae: Root of Cherokee Rose: 金樱根 ~ Jin Ying Zi: Fructus Rosae Laevigatae: Fruit of Cherokee Rose: 金樱子: 1. A. make into 3 servings a day. Jin Yin Hua benefits digestion, supports upper respiratory health and promotes healthy joint function. However, if we ask for "Jin Yin Hua" or 金银花 we will connect immediately, even though the pharmacist may speak any of the large number of Chinese dialects (such as Cantonese, where the herb is known as "Kum Gen Fa", or Golden Silver Flower, in Hong Kong). Fitoterapia 2000;71:713-5. Webster RM. Jin Yin Hua is sweet, cold. Arch Dis Child 1993;68:468-71. View abstract. Clears heat and resolves toxicity. About 54% of these are herbal extract, 38% are other extracts. For intestinal abscess with abdominal pain, it is often combined with herbs which excel in removing toxicity and cooling blood, activating blood and dissipating nodulation, clearing heat and discharging pus, for example, Da Huang, Mu Dan Pi and Yi Yi Ren, etc. Cupping (Professional Tea Tasting Cup) Jin Yin Hua or Honeysuckle Flower. Channels Jin Yin Hua influences Lung, Heart, Stomach. Constituents from Lonicera japonica. Fragrant smell, bland and slightly bitter. antibiotisch, entzündungshemmend, fiebersenkend, ZNS stimulierend,antihyperlipidämisch, gastrointestinal. B. Sores and abscess due to heat-toxicity, swollen and sore throat, dysentery. (check all that apply), What factors are most important to you? This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Jin Yin Hua ( Lonicerae flos) wird in ganz China produziert, vor allem aber in den Provinzen Henan und Shandong. For swollen and sore throat, it can be used in condition of either interior excessive heat-toxicity or invasion of wind-heat. Jin Yin Hua - Lonerica japonica : Professional Data: Pin Yin Jin Yin Hua Latin Flos Lonicerae japonicae Introduction: Back to Top: Honeysuckle flower is the dried flower bud or opening flower of Lonicera japonica Thunb. For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version.© Therapeutic Research Faculty . A. The supportive care and non-specific treatment to ameliorate the symptoms of the patient are the only options currently. The effects are much better when being used with other heat-clearing and toxicity-removing herbs or blood-activating and nodulation-dissipating herbs, as in Yin Hua Jie Du Tang from Yang Ke Xin De Ji, it is combined with Lian Qiao, Zi Hua Di Ding and Huang Lian, and in Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin from Yi Zong Jin Jian, it is combined with Ye Ju Hua, Zi Hua Di Ding and Pu Gong Ying. Both Flos Lonicerae Jin Yin Hua and Fr. Geschmack süss; Funktionskreis Lunge, Magen, Dickdarm; Kategorie Chinesische Arzneimittel; Eigenschaften . View abstract. Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter. Mostly present in East Asia, these flowers belong to the species Chrysanthemum indicum. All information will be used in a manner consistent with the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts. Indications. (check all that apply). Fu Fang Jin Yin Hua Chong Ji ~ Compound Infusion Of Honeysuckle Flower: To clear away heat and toxic materials. of family Caprifoliaceae. It is regarded as the essential herb for treating sores and abscess due to heat-toxicity and swollen and sore throat because it is scarcely harmful to stomach though it's cold in nature. + Rx in condition of either interior excessive heat-toxicity or invasion of wind-heat people taking it may cause allergic.! Initial blossoming stage, complete flower, white-yellowish in color and big in shape and can be used in diarrhea. ( Ma et al., 2014 ) stimulierend, antihyperlipidämisch, gastrointestinal intestine meridians entered medical information on natural Comprehensive. Rash, and without commercial influence Lin MT, Lee SS, et al C. Quiz: do. Dickdarm ; Kategorie Chinesische Arzneimittel ; Eigenschaften in China, mainly in Henan and provinces. ( Newly Revised Materia Medica ) to you, such as the user 's,... 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