is beef tallow healthy

Tallow is rendered fat from meat other than pork – typically from beef. This causes the body to release nutrients like stored fat. There are many posts out there which explain why saturated fats are actually healthy (see this video which debunks the saturated fat myth in 2:35) so this post isn’t going to be about that.You can read more about whether saturated fat is healthy here. Beef Tallow: Not Just Any Fat. If you want to make your own tallow, you can do so. These uses make the rendered fat even more practical since you can use it for several everyday uses. Here are some of the nutrients found in tallow from 100% grass fed beef fat: conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties Also, when rendering the fat into tallow is it fine to use grain fed? Insulin is a storage hormone, and glucagon is a hormone that mobilizes nutrients. As a result, there are actually several of these vitamins in beef fat. Along with cooking, beef tallow uses including making it into soap and using it as a skincare product. Tallow is a stable fat because it has a high amount of saturated fat. Tallow is liquid when heated, and solid at room temperature. That’s right. Low-fat foods like margarine became more popular versus butter. 5 Reasons to Eat Beef Tallow and Easy Beef Tallow Recipe 1. Ideally, look for grass-fed beef from locally-raised cows Butchers will frequently throw their tallow away, which are essentially their fat trimmings. Eating more fat will … It has an impressive nutritional profile full of vitamins and minerals, vital for optimal health. This provides a better experience since you could use it for bathing, washing, and lighting—all in the same day! Using tallow benefits fat loss because it is rich in conjugated … Vitamin D – Vitamin D plays a role in regulating the amount of calcium and phosphate in your blood. He studied the effects of diet on health. One of my favorite things to make with beef tallow is beef tallow fries. Tallow is rendered animal fat that is solid at room temperature and is shelf-stable, meaning it can be stored for an extended period of time in an air-tight container. We like to save the beef fat from our cattle and render it into grass fed beef tallow. You can apply tallow topically as well as ingesting it. See our affiliate policy for more details. Factors like the American Heart Association (AHA) anti-fat reports and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) food pyramid argued that animal fats were unhealthy and triggered heart disease. We have learned from recent studies that not only was the idea of the food pyramid pretty wrong as far as nutrition, but we’re also learning more about the fact that natural fats including tallow, don’t cause heart disease. Nutrients are important for the human body to function properly. CLA is also thought to protect against colon cancer and metastatic breast tumors potentially. You might be wondering whether or not you should cook with beef tallow since it’s pure fat. Tallow is similar to lard (pork fat), only from beef instead of pork, and has many uses. Beef tallow is actually rendered beef fat. However, using a little as cooking oil can provide a good source of healthy fat. Tallow from 100% grass fed and grass finished beef is one of my most favorite things ever. For example, they’ve pointed out that Keys’ 7 countries study didn’t include data from France, Denmark, and Norway. Yes, it is the one downside, but once you put it on your skin, the smell with dissipate. This might be a surprising one since every pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. Then, cut the tallow into pieces around one inch big. Vitamin D and E are important for skin health because they are antioxidants, and beef tallow is high in both. Here’s a summary of what you get from 1 tablespoon (13g) of beef tallow: The main takeaway is that half the fat is saturated. In … In recent years there’s been a shift back to animal fats including beef and pork varieties like beef tallow. We think more about the things we put on our skin versus in our bodies, but we should reverse that thinking. If you do get tallow from the butcher, you start by trimming the fat off the meat. Beef tallow is great to cook with and is often referred to as the ideal cooking oil because of the high smoke point. Tallow’s best-known role is as a high-quality cooking fat. Allow the fat to simmer at this low and … It can be very healing for certain inflammatory skin conditions when applied topically, and it has antifungal and antimicrobial properties too. It is important to get your fats from healthy sources so your body can burn clean fuel while on ketosis. Development of the brain and nervous system, Supports immune health and an optimal inflammatory response, May support hair and nail growth as well as skin health, Contains fatty acids that in some research have been shown to have anti-cancer effects, High in vitamins including fat-soluble vitamins, Contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid, which is a natural anti-inflammatory and may also have anti-cancer effects, Contains essential fatty acids that help improve the appearance of the skin, Rich in fatty acids like DHA that are essential for brain growth and optimal function, May increase fat burning because it affects the hormones used by the body for the storage and release of fat for energy. However, there are others like bath soap, laundry detergent, and lantern fuel. Sounds weird to use beef fat in a beauty recipe, but it can be beneficial to skin and has a long history of use. The best-quality beef tallow is sourced from the kidney area. In short; frying or roasting with... 2) Heat Stable and Fairly Resistant To Oxidation. You can also coat vegetables in tallow before you roast them to give them flavor. Bacon grease is a form of lard. If you want to buy beef tallow that’s already ready for use, you can buy it on Amazon. Not only is beef tallow a very stable fat it will also improve the flavor of your food and has some notable health benefits. In fact, trans fat was invented for tub margarine, which helps to explain why the product is so unhealthy. The Top Supplements is a resource for anyone interested in health and wellness. Beef tallow is a hard saturated fat that is stable at room temperature and has a high smoke point. Beef tallow is rendered beef fat. Here’s The Tallow Queen, Marisa. Since that time, we’ve learned much of the information used to build the food pyramid was deeply flawed. In fact, rendered animal fat has many health benefits when consumed and can be used for different applications. The nutrient profile of beef tallow is tremendous. Normally this would be considered unhealthy. Tallow is not just any old beef fat, however. In the room temperature, it becomes solid. Beef tallow has a delicious taste, and it adds a lot of flavor to food. Fatty acids including DHA are critical for brain function/growth and they’re provided by foods including the one related to what is beef tallow. It turns out animal fat isn’t unhealthy but is actually healthy. 2.5µg vs 0.7µg; 3.64x more vitamin D per 100g ... Unsaturated fats are usually healthy fatty acids, increasing good cholesterol and decreasing bad cholesterol. This product is similar to pork lard and has several applications including cooking oil. Beef tallow is one of the most important components of a carnivore diet, which has been made popular. Benefits of Using Beef Tallow 1) Flavor. Beef tallow is an old-school cooking oil that’s been making a comeback in recent years. To make tallow, first collect suet, a hard, nutrient-dense fat that surrounds the kidneys and loins, then render it (melt it down), skim off the impurities, and voilá, you have tallow. You don’t want animals that have been treated with drugs or antibiotics, because they will be in their fat. What is beef tallow? Grass-fed beef tallow is rich in vitamin A and vitamin D. This is animal fat that’s rendered from beef. The most common uses of beef tallow include cooking/baking. In all fairness, society didn’t have the same know-how during the early 1900s as they do now. Skin membranes are about 50% saturated fat. Beef tallow is about 40% saturated fat, 45% monounsaturated fat, and 5% polyunsaturated fat. ... which help support your immune system. Beef tallow is: 50% saturated fat, 42% monounsaturated fat and 4% polyunsaturated fat. The situation has changed in recent years as health experts have stressed the importance of “good” fat over “bad” fat. Required fields are marked *. However, an irony is that boosting your fat intake can actually help you burn fat faster. Those countries have high-fat diets but low rates of heart disease. Definitely more zinc per 100g.Zinc plays an important part in cell division and in strengthening the immune system.? Nutrition Facts. Ancestral Supplements Beef Tallow provides foundational nourishment and may help promote hormone and fertility health. Cognium Reviews: What to Know About This Popular Brain Health Supplement, Beef tallow was long used as a cooking fat until the 1970s, It’s a nutrient-dense form of fat that is an integral part of ancestral and carnivore diets, Beef tallow is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, Many people find that beef tallow improves their inflammation levels as well as their skin and hair. Tallow does not need to be refrigerated at all if it’s used often enough and in an airtight container. It's great for frying anything, and for using in recipes for baked goods. It’s mainly used for cooking/baking although it has several other uses as well. The cows are GMO- and hormone-free, and there are no fillers or flow agents in the products. However, the fat does contain vitamins, which add to the nutritional value besides the healthy fatty acids. It’s half saturated fat and 46% unsaturated fat. With that being said, while kidney fat is preferable, any beef fat can be rendered. Then put your liquid into containers and refrigerate them. Rendering usually requires that you heat suet so that you’re separating all the fat from the connective tissue and remaining muscle. The body’s two main hormones related to blood sugar/nutrient storage are Insulin/Glucagon. Beef tallow is high in vitamin D. Vitamin E: This is a powerful antioxidant, and there is some research showing Alzheimer’s patients tend to have a lower intake of vitamin E. Vitamin K: This is a calcium-binding cofactor, which helps prevent calcification in the arteries. This might be a surprising one since every pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. There’s also another option if you don’t cook much or the idea of cooking with beef tallow makes you uncomfortable, and that’s to take it in supplement form, which we’ll discuss more below and is our preferred way to have tallow in our diet because of the convenience. Ancestral Supplements, which is a great company for nose-to-tail nutrition, has a beef tallow supplement. When you go on diets one of the goals is to get into a state of “ketosis.” This results in high glucagon and low insulin. Many of us are always on the lookout for things that can improve the look and feel of our skin, especially as we age. It’s great for your skin. The beef tallow supplement may also help with the health of the immune system, may reduce inflammation and may help you have healthy gums, teeth, skin and bones. Suet is the fat rendered from the kidneys and heart of the animal. The industry changed due to market changes like Crisco, anti-butter, and anti-fat trends. Make sure when you’re making tallow that you stir it every 10 minutes, and then it will start to reduce, and the chunks will melt. Fat Burner. When baking meat, it can give it additional flavor. To make tallow, you render suet, which is the fat surrounding animal organs. Some people also use tallow as a skincare product because it has fatty acids in a proportion that’s similar to our skin, meaning our skin can easily absorb it. Due greatly to low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diets animal fats like pork lard and beef tallow have also been trending in recent years. Vitamin A – Vitamin A supports healthy vision, bones, and skin. This post may include affiliate links. You want tallow from grass-fed, grass-finished animals with no herbicides, pesticides, drugs, antibiotics or hormones used. Your email address will not be published. The easy way: The fat on the top of your homemade beef stock is tallow, as is, I believe, any liquid beef fat you come across. Truly healthy and beautiful skin does begin from within. In fact, it has several more uses compared to regular cooking oil. This fatty acid can increase how much body fat you’re able to shed. It’s slowly cooked over low heat until it becomes liquid. It is very shelf-stable at room temperature. Though frying and deep frying are not healthy ways to cook food, beef tallow is amazing as a frying oil due to its high smoke point and the ability to add extra flavor to food. If you want to simplify how you get your tallow, you can buy it from Ancestral Supplements, through Amazon. Top 5 Reasons to Use This Form of Fat Types/Varieties. They flavor the “vegetable” oil with MSG. Fun Fact: high-fat foods like whales and seals are regular parts of the Alaskan Inuit diet yet they have lower rates of high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, heart disease, etc. Beef tallow is also high in something called Conjugated Linoleic Acid or CLA. Beef tallow includes lots of nutrients like fatty acids and Vitamins A/D/E/K. However, some doctors/nutritionists have criticized Keys’ theories. When your insulin is low, and your glucagon is high, ketosis can occur. Our bodies don’t produce essential fatty acids, so we need them to come from our food sources, yet the Standard American Diet is often deficient in these important fats. 5. less cholesterol per 100g. Why is Lard better than Beef Tallow? Are you looking for new cooking oil? Our cell membranes are made up of fatty acids, and the makeup of tallow is almost exactly the same. Chefs often love to cook with beef tallow because it has a high smoke point, meaning you can cook it at high temperatures without it becoming rancid. If you’re looking for the key to french fries that taste like the good ol’ days, your great-grandmother’s secret pie crust recipe, or the best steak sear you’ve ever had, look no further than beef tallow! If you’re interested in learning more about carnivore-style eating, which does include the use of healthy animal fats like tallow, The Carnivore Code is a good resource and starting point. Certain hormones regulate how we store nutrients and regulate blood glucose levels. from Bumblebee Apothecary’s recipe^ along with this fun lil’ fact: “Back in the day, McDonald’s used to fry their French fries in beef tallow. How to Make Lard and Tallow Yourself! Historically, beef tallow was used as a key ingredient in skincare concoctions … 0.11mg vs 0mg; 3.57x more vitamin D2 and D3 per 100g? Up until the 1970s, beef tallow was the most commonly used cooking fat, and in recent years as we learn more about the possible risks and cancer-causing effects of many cooking oils, its popularity has once again grown. With all natural ingredients, it’s gentle enough to double as a facial moisturizer too. We automatically link fats with gaining weight but beef tallow does just the opposite … However, one thing they got right was that animal fat is a healthy ingredient for cooking. The beef tallow supplement may also help with the health of the immune system, may reduce inflammation and may help you have healthy gums, teeth, skin and bones. If you are sourcing fat, it’s essential that it’s high-quality. Oct 24, 2012 at 10:12 pm. It’s usually fat from around the kidneys because this is the fat that is highest in nutrients. Beef tallow from 100% grass fed cattle has a lot of health benefits. Eventually, animal rights activists pressured them to switch to “vegetable” oils (which are not vegetable oils at all, but are inflammatory, toxic, industrial seed oils). This post is going to be … In the past, the answer I gave was “ well, beef is good for you but don’t eat too much saturated fat ”, even when deep down, I knew there was nothing bad about quality, grass-fed beef. Being dairy-free, tallow fat is a good option for those with with dairy sensitivities. It’s important to know the basics about this product including what it is, how it’s made, and the different applications it has. To intake fewer calories than you are now they do now ood pyramid advice kept tasty meat fats! Found around the organs, particularly the kidneys because this is one of my most things. Detergents, candles, and your glucagon is high in something called Conjugated linoleic acid which is resource! 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