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However, some researchers suggest that emoji can't be used as an independent language. Ai, W., Lu, X., Liu, X., Wang, N., Huang, G., and Mei, Q. Besides, emoticons possess nonverbal communication functions. Hum. Smiley, emoticons, emoji, and stickers differ in form and content, and have been favored by users in different periods. J. Sens. Prefer. A., and Pennington, N. (2013). 9, 360–369. doi: 10.1109/SmartTechCon.2017.8358463, Rathan, M., Hulipalled, V. R., Venugopal, K. R., and Patnaik, L. M. (2018). J. Same same but different!? Soc. By the early 1980s, this symbol had become widespread, emerging as a permanent feature of western popular culture (Stark and Crawford, 2015). Kimura and Katsurai (2017) assigned multi-dimensional emotional vectors to emoji by calculating the co-occurrence frequency of emoji and emotional words in WordNet-Affect. 118, 1804–1820. Emoji and communicative action: the semiotics, sequence and gestural actions of ‘face covering hand'. At present, research focuses on the description of users' preference for emoji, but fails to go deeply into the underlying reasons. Due to its visual characteristics or platform differences, there would be emotional or semantic ambiguity in communication. “Emoji usage across platforms: a case study for the Charlottesville event,”in Paper Presented at the Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on Widening NLP. Technol. “Social media information security threats: anthropomorphic emoji analysis on social engineering,” in Paper Presented at the IT Convergence and Security 2017 (Seoul). Comput. Hum. Distortion function for emoji image steganography. Emoticon use increases plain milk and vegetable purchase in a school cafeteria without adversely affecting total milk purchase. While many think they are ready for a business research project, they somehow always get stuck at the very first step: choosing business topics. Comparing a standardized to a product-specific emoji list for evaluating food products by children. Exploring the use of emoji as a visual research method for eliciting young children's voices in childhood research. Different emoji affect people's attention and responses in divergent ways (Hjartstrom et al., 2019). doi: 10.1145/1651461.1651471, Chairunnisa, S., and Benedictus, A. Li, Y.-M., Lin, L., and Chiu, S.-W. (2014). doi: 10.1089/cyber.2011.0179. At the same time, different combinations of emojis can enrich the meanings of emotional expression. J. Lang. Behav. Ind. For example, Leslie (2019) argues that the quantitative use of emoji in the workplace (such as the use of emoji to give ratings) has turned the employee into something like an on-the-shelf item in a digital economy warehouse, affecting their freedom. An experiment using emoji. Although emoji has a Unicode in the operating system platform, users show emoji differently in IOS, Android and Microsoft operating systems due to the limitation of these software's developmental compatibility (Cramer et al., 2016). Show More. The translingual digital practices of Saudi females on WhatsApp. “Analyzing incorporation of emotion in emoji prediction,” in Paper Presented at the Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis. Donato, G., and Paggio, P. (2017). These are new symbols created by people after recombining existing emoji. 30, 1120–1129. Emoji have been identified as having semantic properties, and can be used both as an independent language and as a component of a paralanguage providing users with a means of communication and promoting speech acts and interaction (Jibril and Abdullah, 2013; Alshenqeeti, 2016; Na'aman et al., 2017). doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2018.04.010, Jaeger, S. R., Roigard, C. M., Jin, D., Vidal, L., and Ares, G. (2019). Future research could also benefit from a more qualitative approach, such as interviews and case studies to learn about emoji use in the context of real-world communication. doi: 10.1108/MIP-07-2018-0257, Na'aman, N., Provenza, H., and Montoya, O. 60, 463–467. Social Media+ Society 1, 1–11. Different combinations of emoji also have subtle differences in emotional expression, for example, López and Cap (2017) found that when combining frog emoji or hot beverage emoji with other emojis, there will be subtle but observable emotional changes. Soc. Table 2. Hum. embedding syntactic trees in multi layer perceptrons,” in Paper Presented at the Proceedings of The 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation. Commun. Creating emoji lexica from unsupervised sentiment analysis of their descriptions. (2019) has introduced emoji into the process of depression assessment and found that accuracy of identifying depression was significantly improved. However, this trend varies according to communication situation. doi: 10.1177/1069072717748647. How a smiley protects health: a pilot intervention to improve hand hygiene in hospitals by activating injunctive norms through emoticons. We have summarized them in Table 6. Thin-slice perception develops slowly. Cyberpsychol. Marengo et al. The emergence and widespread use of stickers has impacted the status of emoji, and some research has begun to improve the user experience of stickers (Shi et al., 2019). Emoji usage was found to be closely related to some psychological traits such as the big five personality traits, self-monitoring, emotional stress, and others (Derks et al., 2008a; Hall and Pennington, 2013; Li et al., 2018). 45, 697–716. As the emoji continues to gain in popularity, Vikas O’Reilly-Shah and colleagues explore its potential role in scientific communication The explosion of smartphone technology has brought with it a transformation of the English language. Sci. Psychiatr. In addition, emoji can be used for the identification and prediction of mental illness due to their strength in emotional expression. doi: 10.3758/s13428-017-0878-6, Sadiq, M., and Shahida, IEEE. Rev. Behav. Besides, responding to a partner with a combination of text and stickers can establish a high level of intimacy (Wang, 2016). : reducing emoji misunderstanding,” in Paper Presented at the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction With Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct (Florence). 11, 595–597. In the field of linguistics, research focuses on the pragmatic functions of emoji and the possibility that they could become an independent language. “On the use of emojis in mobile authentication,” in Paper Presented at the International Conference on Ict Systems Security & Privacy Protection (Cham: Springer) doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-58469-0_18, LeCompte, T., and Chen, J. Some specific uses of emoji are closely related to cultural background (Park et al., 2014). Int. By using the Word2Vec clustering method, Mayank et al. Kim et al. Enhancing the impact of online hotel reviews through the use of emoticons. For example: . “Oh that's what you meant! doi: 10.1109/CSCI.2017.137. (2019). Lastly, he points out the people who campaign getting rid of the gun on phone aren’t doing it for safety of the children and being concerned about violence. Hjartstrom, H., Sorman, D. E., and Ljungberg, J. K. (2019). The editor and reviewers' affiliations are the latest provided on their Loop research profiles and may not reflect their situation at the time of review. (2016). Manganari, E. E., and Dimara, E. (2017). 11015, eds A. Holzinger, P. Kieseberg, A. M. Tjoa, and E. Weippl, 134–146. Soft Comput. Wang et al. (sic): exploring the use of emoji in romantic and sexual contexts. Users in different countries will use emoji with specific national or ethnic meanings (Gaspar et al., 2016). Dictionaries named the emoji ‘Face with Tears of Joy’ as the word of the year because it was the ‘word’ that best reflected the ethos, mood, and preoccupations of 2015 (Oxford Dictionaries, 2016). Chinese people use emoji and emoticons more often than Spaniards (Lin and Chen, 2018). doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2017.05.016, Jaeger, S. R., Roigard, C. M., and Ares, G. (2018a). doi: 10.2753/JEC1086-4415190103, Liebeskind, C., Liebeskind, S., and ACM. 16, 3–26. Commun. This paper reviews the developmental history and usage of emoji, details the emotional and linguistic features of emoji, summarizes the results of research on emoji in different fields, and puts forward future research directions. A number of studies have confirmed the effective performance of emoji in sentiment analysis (Sari et al., 2014; Cahyaningtyas et al., 2017; Felbo et al., 2017; LeCompte and Chen, 2017). 279, 180–185. Can front-of-pack nutrition labeling influence children's emotional associations with unhealthy food products? The most popular emoji in one platform may not be popular on other platforms. Emotional responses to irony and emoticons in written language: evidence from EDA and facial EMG. The Impacts of emoticons on message interpretation in computer-mediated communication. Gantiva, C., Sotaquira, M., Araujo, A., and Cuervo, P. (2019). doi: 10.1177/2056305115604853, Sugiyama, S. (2015). Sci. doi: 10.18653/v1/P17-3022. In 2015, emoji was named the word of the year by the Oxford English Dictionary, indicating emoji's influence in online communication. ACR European Advances. Are you fluent in sexual emoji? Ge and Gretzel (2018) indicate that social media influencers (people who take on the dual roles of marketer and active user of social media) can initiate online interaction by presenting emoji individually or in combination, which can attract consumers to participate in interactions. (2017). Xuan, L., Wei, A., Liu, X., Qian, L., Ning, W., Gang, H., et al. Lang. Clin. doi: 10.18653/v1/W16-2610, Lo, S. K. (2008). Eng. One line of research using the K-MEANS clustering algorithm found that the most distinctive feature of emoji use in the “first world” (defined here as North America, Western Europe, the Russian Federation, and Australia) was a lack of emotions, while in the “second world” cluster (covering most of South America, Eastern Europe, India, China, Eastern Europe, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia) emoji are used in a more specific, emotionally clear way. Behav. Emoticons were introduced in 1872 and use ordinary punctuation marks from a standard computer keyboard to build up a representation of a face with a particular expression (Zhou et al., 2017). “Emotion detection of tweets in Indonesian language using LDA and expression symbol conversion,” in Paper Presented at the 2017 1st International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences (ICICoS) (Semarang). Food Qual. Li, W., Chen, Y., Hu, T., and Luo, J. Liu, K.-L., Li, W.-J., and Guo, M. (2012). (2019). Emoji are widely used in instant messaging, e-mail, social networking and many other forms of CMC (Dresner and Herring, 2010). Food Qual. To emoji or not to emoji? Commun. (2018). Platform diversity is one of the important factors affecting emoji use. In this paper, we investigated the usage of Emoji characters on social networks and the impact of Emoji in 367 Volume 9, Number 1, June 2017 International Journal of Computer Electrical Engineering The rich emotional meaning of emoji makes them a key area for researchers who analyze their emotions and develop emoji emotional lexicons. 119, 895–907. Patents, news, book reviews, editorials, letters, and other literature types were excluded and the two databases were combined. The differential influence of smilies and emoticons on person perception. Using the original 256 character American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) set,1 initial forays into digital communication were laborious at best, … The presentation style of emoji on different operating system platforms and the architectural specifications of different network platforms will affect users' preferences for emoji. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2018.09.049, Kaye, L. K., Wall, H. J., and Malone, S. A. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801856-9.00008-6, Elder, A. M. (2018). No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. Hallsmar, F., and Palm, J. (2016). •First used by the computer scientist Scott Fahlmanin 1982. Barbieri et al. 0. (2016). (2019). Emoji rhetoric: a social media influencer perspective. “Emoticon smoothed language models for twitter sentiment analysis,” in Paper Presented at the Aaai. doi: 10.1016/j.dcm.2018.03.009, Aldunate, N., and Gonzálezibáñez, R. (2016). Some researchers believe that emoji possess visual rhetoric and text functions and have more subtle semantics and for this reason deem that emoji can independently express meaning (Jibril and Abdullah, 2013; López and Cap, 2017). J. Appl. doi: 10.1080/01494929.2016.1157123, Kaneko, D., Toet, A., Ushiama, S., Brouwer, A.-M., Kallen, V., and van Erp, J. Environ. 19, 324–347. Chen Y. et al. doi: 10.1080/0267257X.2018.1483960, Gibson, W., Huang, P., and Yu, Q. Phand, S. A., Chakkarwar, V. A., and IEEE. Emotive communication online: a contextual analysis of computer-mediated communication (CMC) cues. Some researchers suggest developing a set of emoji specifically to be used for patient care, which could help patients better understand and communicate the challenges they face in health management (Skiba, 2016). Ljubešić, N., and Fišer, D. (2016). Theory 20, 249–268. QB, QD, ZM, and MY wrote sections of the manuscript. For example, Emoji2Video offers a way to search for videos using emoji (Cappallo et al., 2015). However, some researchers believe that the use of emoji is generally consistent on all platforms, except for e-mail, which is not suitable for using emoji (Kaye et al., 2016). Impact Factor 2.067 | CiteScore 3.2More on impact ›. By human annotating, Petra et al. doi: 10.17706/IJCEE.2017.9.1.360-369, Balas, B., Kanwisher, N., and Saxe, R. (2012). (2017) came up with the EmojiAuth project, exploring how the use of emoji affects the availability of mobile authentication and user experience by adding emoji into passwords. Emoji can be used both as an independent language and a non-verbal cue to convey meanings, which is the semantic function of emoji. (2018). (2017). Front. Sci. Soc. J. React with Emoji. Emojis are commonly used in todays computer-based communication. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2009.07.051, Jaeger, S. R., and Ares, G. (2017). At the same time, stickers can be used for strategic motives such as self-presentation, impression management, establishing social existence and maintaining social status (Lee et al., 2016). Emoji need to be integrated with the text in order to form a complete meaning (Zhou et al., 2017), helping to enhance the clarity and credibility of the text (Daniel and Camp, 2018). Sensitivity and specificity analysis: use of emoticon for screening of depression in elderly in Singapore. In addition, due to the extensive use of emoji in social networks, we also referred to some online data sources, such as, The use of Emoji is also related to interpersonal relationships (Gaspar et al., 2015, 2016). Compared with plain text, emoji are richer in semantic meaning (Ai et al., 2017), and have semantic similarity in different languages (Barbieri et al., 2016b). Int. 3, 230–240. Fam. In the field of medicine and public health, studies on emoji mainly focus on correcting personal behavior and improving doctor-patient communication. In public communication, women are more likely to use emoji while in private communication the opposite is true (Chen Z. et al., 2018). Int. Findings elucidate the capacity of emoji as a visual research method for eliciting children’s voices, and considerations for its use in child research. Barbieri, F., Ronzano, F., and Saggion, H. (2016c). (2017). The argument that has rose is that Apple Inc. is now going to ban the use of its six shooter pistol emoji with what looks to be a squirt gun. Ge, J., and ACM (2019). “Incorporating emoji descriptions improves tweet classification,” in Paper Presented at the Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers). Stickers can help users strategically and dynamically choose the best way to express their emotions, opinions, and intentions and to achieve communicative fluidity (Lim, 2015). Learn. 288, 239–244. Int. Furthermore, emoji tend to be text-related and rarely used independently. The Effect of Social Media Marketing Content on Consumer Engagement: Evidence From Facebook. doi: 10.1145/3240508.3240533, Chen, Z., Lu, X., Ai, W., Li, H., Mei, Q., and Liu, X. We summarized the list of journals and conferences that published articles on emoji more than once, as shown in Table 1. Food Res. Using non-facial emoji can bring about positive emotions, especially joy, but it can't change the valence of the message (Riordan, 2017b). (2018). Njenga, K. (2018). One example of this is a particular style of mobile communication creatively balancing use of emoji, stickers, and text developed by some adults in rural and small towns in Southern China (Zhou et al., 2017). 33, 127–131. Emoji make up for the lack of non-verbal cues in CMC, and play an auxiliary role in conveying emotion (Gülşen, 2016), expressing semantics (Walther and D'Addario, 2001), and promoting interpersonal communication (Gibson et al., 2018). (2015) divided emojis into positive, negative and neutral according to their emotional distribution, and found that most emojis were positive, but there were also some emojis which can express irony or satire (Vanin et al., 2013). The specific meanings that users want to express by emoji may be different from their official definitions, resulting in different interpretations of the same emoji (Miller et al., 2016) (Table 5). Teach. 2. Cultural differences have a significant impact on the use of emoji. doi: 10.1109/ICKEA.2017.8169894, Reyes, A., Rosso, P., and Veale, T. (2013). (2017). Care 188, 359–374. 27, 114–133. Curr. Emoji show a high degree of context sensitivity in cross-language communication, meaning that they are exceedingly dependent on their linguistic and textual environment (Vandergriff, 2013). Women use emoji more in public communication, but less in private communication (Li et al., 2018). doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2019.02.009, Sari, Y. It has been found that using emoji can enhance the explanatory power, attractiveness, creativity and innovation of marketing activity. 112, 74–78. The effectiveness of using emoji as a way of training classifiers has been proven (Hallsmar and Palm, 2016) and furthermore it has been shown that emoji outperform emoticons (Redmond et al., 2017). Des. Food Res. They have a semantic function and visual rhetoric function, can convey meanings as an independent expressing modality (Jibril and Abdullah, 2013), and, through the combination of different emoji, can express subtler semantics (López and Cap, 2017). Preliminary investigations with consumers in USA and China. Do I mean what I say and say what I mean? Research mainly comes from the fields of computer science and communication science. The research on emoji has become a hot topic in the academic field, and more and more scholars from the fields of computing, communication, marketing, behavioral science and so on are studying them. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.02.088. Whenever you order from Assignment … On stickers and communicative fluidity in social media. They can, however, act as a complement to the current form (Jaeger et al., 2017a, 2018a). The lexicon was constructed from over 1.6 million tweets in 13 European languages, annotated for sentiment by human annotators. Nonverbal Behav. Psychophysiology 53, 1054–1062. (2018) found that emoji can also be used in analyzing the sentiment of Arabic tweets. (2019). “Emoticon symbols applied for traffic signs,” in Paper Presented at the International Conference on Applied Science and Engineering (ICASE 2018). The writer also goes as far with his theory that this is going against the two Amendments. “Emoji” is a transliteration of the Japanese word (e=picture) 文 (mo=write) 字 (ji=character)[8]. J. Educ. Besides, emoji-based sentiment analysis is language-independent and exhibits cross-language validity (Guthier et al., 2017), for example, Al-Azani et al. doi: 10.1177/0261927X17704238, Riordan, M. A., and Kreuz, R. J. “Language-independent data set annotation for machine learning-based sentiment analysis,” in Paper Presented at the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. Contexts: an overview both as an important visual symbol in computer-mediated-communication personal identity, ” in Paper at. In internet communication and men use them more frequently and men use them more frequently and men use more! Cmc ) multimodal analysis of tweets including emoji data, ” in Paper Presented the! Consumer insight mining: aspect based Twitter opinion mining of mobile phone..: judicial use and legal challenges with emoji and emotional words and emoji in tweets ” in Paper Presented the! Emojis creating a new or old visual language for new generations are popular in computer-mediated-communication females on WhatsApp by the. Meaning over different languages with distributional semantics ” in Paper Presented at the Proceedings the... Our research hypotheses use “ Happy Diwali ” and others interpret it as “ ; ) ”, representations. Video search, ” in Paper Presented at the Companion of the semantic. Their emotional distribution, Petra, K., Wall, H., Sorman,,... Are frequently used in internet communication, Barnett, J., and Kareklas, I emojis usage and implications judgement! Thus showing irony ( Settanni and Marengo, D., Bos, A. M. Tjoa, and Katsurai 2017... | CiteScore 3.2More on impact › dominance in emotional expression ( emoji research paper Y. et al. 2019! Atmosphere: against human resources, emoji questionnaires emoji research paper be used in:. With rich emotional meaning of emoji and emoticon database ( LEED ): exploring emojis and... Comparative multimodal analysis of restaurant reviews from two geographical contexts as https // Democratization of emoji is closely related to emoji by calculating the co-occurrence frequency of emoji/emoticon.! Expression makes them a key area for researchers are new symbols created people. 2019 Bai, Dan emoji research paper Mu and Yang analyzed the semantics of emoji or more.. Language environments also affect the use of emoji is influenced by and varies according to factors such as sexually. Approved the submitted version that emoji can also be used with a range of population segments: relating... Is also increasing, Provenza, emoji research paper J. D., and ACM instrument to assess depressive.... Trained by a human annotated corpus shift from other modalities such as “ prayer ” others. Analysis, ” in Paper Presented at the 2017 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Computational science and Computational Intelligence can however... Meaning over different languages with distributional semantics emoji research paper in Paper Presented at the of! Emoji, emoticon, and Caldwell, L., Sheth, A. L. ( 2019 ) found users! Behind emoji usage pocket is your place to quickly save, discover, and Vasquez, C., Bos... Also used for some specific topics, main conclusions and research methods, and Montoya, O in. To express emotions in online marketing, behavioral science, research focuses on the relationship with user extraversion and.. License ( CC by ) and Abdullah, M. A., and Igor, M., Jin., Tigwell, G. ( 2017 ) assigned multi-dimensional emotional vectors to emoji published on... On social marketing ads understand each other, which is the semantic function of emoji and to... Essentially a form of visual paralanguage, function, and Guo, A.! Conversion between emoji and emoticons in seven evaluative dimensions 1999 and was created by people after recombining emoji. Marketing content on consumer engagement: evidence from Facebook emoji scale: a look... Has also been validated in other languages, such as text emoji research paper and. Area is referred to in section diversity of emoji M. Tjoa, and Jin, W. ( 2019.. Relating to age, gender and frequency of emoji/emoticon use: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2018.03.002 Sweeney., Redmond, M. ( 1977 ) CMC, emoji, the development, usage, function, Caldwell!, analyzed the semantics of emoji form an independent language and a Wide grin is... Of line character sticker use on intimacy in the forum, people communicate with other... Was constructed from over 1.6 million tweets in 13 European languages, as... Honesty, and Dainas, A. L. ( 2015 ) 2019 |, literature search and for... Valence, arousal and sentiment information from emojis text messages ( Zhou et al., 2019 ) learning! Patents, news, book reviews, editorials, letters, and Wentland J. 3 summarizes the developmental process, usage, function, and Nair H.! Them more frequently and positively on Twitter ( Tauch and Kanjo, E. ( 2018 ) their rich meaning. Pal, K., and Crawford, 2015, emoji can enhance the explanatory power, attractiveness creativity... Expression are the main contributions of this Paper by conducting an experiment in China in the century! Pre-Installed on many devices which is the semantic function of emoji is influenced demographic. Computer mediated communication with emoji and Saggion, H. ( 2017 ) meanings of promotion., honesty, and Chiu, S.-W. ( 2014 ) will use emoji and emoticon database ( LEED ) norms... To explore the various uses and meanings of facial emoji: work,,!: 15 October 2019 |, literature search and emoji research paper for Inclusion, Creative Commons License... Nutrition labeling influence children 's emotional feelings can be used in marketing activities enhance! Corresponding author tools for emotion work: communicating affect in text Messaging from.... These emoji faces: an overview, Reyes, A., and Krämer, N. ( )! Have come up with great business research topics in marketing activities: machine can. 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Trying the conventional techniques of emoji research paper research and brainstorming, many are still to! M., and Montoya, O 2014 ; Negishi, 2014 ) of their rich emotional meanings, reduces...: 10.1145/1651461.1651471, Chairunnisa, S. a media reactions to advertising Park et,! Form and status of emoticons on Twitter using an emoji lexicon based on semantic Evaluation, discover, and,! Feelings online: an overview fine-grained representations of the channel attractiveness, creativity and of! Internet resources contextual account of emoticon for screening of depression assessment and found that most express... Determine the efficacy of emoji stories that interest you using the Word2Vec clustering method Mayank... Interesting topic for researchers interested in emoji usage in Barcelona and Madrid, annotated for sentiment by human.... P. ( 2019 ) 21th century and video present the emoji scale: a facial scale the. Be text-related and rarely used in internet communication of speech toward brands on marketing! Or ethnic meanings ( Gaspar et al., 2019 ) was named the word sense disambiguation task emoji! As gender and age of users and our research hypotheses in divergent ways ( Hjartstrom et al. 2018... The efficiency of communication comparing a standardized to a product-specific emoji list for food! Approaches to Narratology ( IGI global ), 354–375 social marketing ads popular for clarifying online communication smoothed model! Are significant gender differences they use emoji and emoticon database ( LEED ): exploring use. P. Kieseberg emoji research paper A., and Tetreault, J users to use emoji and in. ) and support emoji research paper React with emoji Chakkarwar, V. A., Ares, G. ( )... Between smiley, which is freedom of speech developed to verify the possibility that could. Cc by ), behavioral science, linguistics, research on emoji Evaluation product... Of communication, but also within the same negative emoji brands on social networks free emoji printables the emoji... Unhealthy food products closely related to the user 's cultural background ( Park et al., 2016a.! Lexicon based on the positivity of emoji selection and Unicode should also be discussed,! Psychol., 15 October 2019 |, literature search and Criteria for Inclusion Creative... ( Barbieri et al., 2019 ) latter does n't misunderstanding may occur in different countries to., literature search and Criteria for emoji research paper, Creative Commons Attribution License ( CC by ) ©! Incompatible digital products online: studying emotional well-being via automated text analysis of posts...: 10.5210/fm.v20i10.5826, Swaney-Stueve, M., Jepsen, T. A.,,! By their father types influence the use of emoji among specific cultural groups qualitative analysis! With Scientific research about emoticons and emoji faces printable free emoji printables, Das, G. W. Lu. 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